In our increasingly regulated sector, the potential for unplanned regulatory issues and legal challenges to arise is high. Our professional approach allows businesses to effectively address such issues, whilst seeking to minimise any reputational damage or senior management distraction.

Issues regularly arise from customer interactions and the need to be able to demonstrate that, at all times, any promotions or communications to customers do not mislead, nor support false expectation of benefits.

We have proven experience of engaging with regulators and rating agencies in the UK, US and Europe to ensure that any stakeholders’ concerns are addressed appropriately.  Often the key to minimising the management distraction and business disruption from remedial actions (and any follow on enforcement), is to follow an overall program approach which ensures compelling and accessible outputs (with auditable support), are front and central as any review progresses.

Our expert actuarial services help you to:

Prepare and initialise internally for any major regulatory review.

Program manage all relevant stakeholders, both internal and external, in a manner which seeks to rebuild a trusted relationships.

Design and construct responses to multiple regulatory matters following a framework that allows specific issues to be isolated and closed, with agreed remediation as necessary.

Work with lawyers in relevant jurisdictions to ensure that client responses  forensically address local country nuances and variations.

Produce valuation reports with transparent supporting rational for use in Part VII business transfers, financial disputes, commutation negotiations or court and tribunal proceedings.